Obedience, boarding, and behavioral training of dogs of all breeds & sizes / Call Us: +1 228-493-7474 / E-mail:

In-House/Boarding Obedience

Hello and thanks for stopping by our IN-HOUSE obedience training page! Over the last 20 years we have helped hundreds and hundreds of people with their dogs and given the opportunity we would love to help you out with yours.

Our obedience programs are in-depth learning experiences for both dogs and handlers. They are not one-and-done training sessions because quality behavior modification (training) takes time to be done correctly. Each client/dog combo provides a unique challenge and situation for our team. Like people, no two are alike. Therefore, we must learn about the existing relationship that has developed with the client and their dog when they enter our program.  Add significant others and children into the fray, and you see how many different relationships between the dog and family are present.
The first stage is accomplished by using a psychological approach to change your dog’s mind about how the world really works. We accomplish this by starting with an extensive evaluation, getting to know his or her personality and thought processes.  This is done by conducting interactive sessions with the dog.  These sessions are vital and allow us to understand how he or she interact with humans, with other animals and new places.  These are important pieces of information for us to gather before proceeding to the next stage of training.
Stage two involves the introduction and shaping of commands. Commands are repeated until muscle memory is established. Dog temperament determines how smooth or rough this transition occurs. Many dogs have a “LEADER OF THE PACK” mentality which leads to retaliation or simple ignoring of commands. We pride ourselves in being able to change your dog’s thought processes without ultimate discouragement. We want him or her to love working for us and eventually you!
As we begin stage three, our main goal is to marry dog behaviors with handler responses and vice versa. In this stage, we will teach you and your dog how to read each other, and meet expectations. We will also instruct you with proper correction and praise methods.

Program Timeline:

  1. We welcome your dog into our facility. This is done using simple walks mixed with tons of praise. We allow them time to process all the new smells and surroundings to ensure comfort. This process usually takes 2-4 days unless your dog is extremely nervous….in that case it will take longer. We want your dog to feel completely comfortable, this is done by allowing those few days for him or her to adjust to the new environment and for the handler to gain the dog’s trust before we start pushing forward with serious training. The more trust and comfort your dog has with the facility and the trainer, the more successful the training will be. 
  2. Within the first 7-10 days, we begin to develop leadership drills with your dog.  We will start the process of teaching your dog how to listen and follow the handlers commands and in time the owner. During this time, we will keep you informed of the progress your dog is making.  
  3. The next step in the training process is repeating drills and commands so that it becomes muscle memory.  Once we are sure your dog understands and knows the commands we will move to the next step which is using the combination of leash and e-collar corrections to reinforce the wanted behaviors.  The end goal at this stage is  to establish off leash handling.
  4. Upon completion of e-collar introduction, we introduce your dog to multiple handlers.  As your dog becomes familiar with multiple handlers, your first 1-on-1 training session is scheduled! We will contact you during the 4th week of training to schedule your first session during the 5th week of training. We will schedule your second session at the end of the first meeting. 
  5. At this time, your dog is in the routine of coming out and working with/for the handler. This is where we  start adding additional commands of “down”, “stay”, and recall. With a solid a foundation in place, this is when we see all the training come together and the dog begins to learn new things quickly. 
  6. Your next two sessions will be explaining training methods, use of the e-collar and demonstrations between you and your dog so that you will have all the knowledge you need to continue these skills when your dog returns home.